Product Reviews


Ramona's Plumber reviews DIY plumbing products


Waterfull emergency water storage


30 gallon emergency water storage barrell by

LeakAlertor 6000

The Leak Alertor 6000 is an electronic toilet monitoring system that monitors the water in the tank and alerts for unusual activity caused by leaks, running toilets, or other faults.

PlumBest Spray Weld

PlumBest Spray Weld is a spray on PVC solvent for joining PVC and ABS pipe. It replaces traditional jar and dobber solvent with a long lasting easy to apply method perfect for the homeowner.

WaterQuick Recirc Pump -

This recircuation pump runs on demand, performs well, and saves energy and wear and tear on plumbing.

WaterQuick with Bridge Valve-

This bridge valve provides hot water to a faucet in seconds.

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